
    Empowering sustainable energy production with IoT and Digital Twin.

    About the company

    Methaplanet sets itself apart in the realm of biomass pellet innovation by seamlessly merging energy conservation with efficiency, all within the framework of a circular economy.

    Through their top-of-the-line pellet mills and factories, they are a leading player in the industry, providing solutions that are both environmentally friendly and cost-effective.

    The challenge

    Navigating Production Pitfalls

    Methaplanet grappled with production inefficiencies, hurdles in real-time equipment and process oversight, and a diminished clarity on the comprehensive performance of their production assembly.

    The approach

    Strategizing for efficiency

    Our strategic approach was to synergize cutting-edge technology with their production process. The intent was to provide a blend of real-time monitoring and virtual simulations, optimizing immediate/long-term operations.

    stylised and abstract image of technology
    • Discovery
      • Identify challenge
      • IoT integration
    • Process
      • Implement digital twin
      • Platform development
    • Outcome
      • Real-time data
      • High performance

    The solution

    Future-proofing production: A leap with IoT and simulations

    For Methaplanet, staying ahead of curve meant embracing cutting-edge technology. We initiated this transformation by integrating an IoT Gateway. This gateway became the eyes and ears on the production floor, observing, alerting, and allowing for proactive interventions.

    Taking it a step further, we introduced Methaplanet to Digital Twin – a virtual playground where they could experiment, learn, and innovate without tangible risks. By simulating real-world scenarios, they could pinpoint optimization strategies, ensuring the real-world application was nothing short of perfection.

    stylised and abstract image of technology

    The results

    Efficiency unleashed

    Through the vigilant eyes of the IoT Gateway, real-time monitoring pinpointed production hiccups. The result? Immediate interventions, drastic reductions in inefficiencies, and a smoother, faster production line.

    Optimized production flow

    The data harvest from our IoT Gateway shed light on latent improvement areas. Armed with this insight, Methaplanet could make strategic shifts, supercharging their production performance.

    Savings galore

    With our IoT system in place, potential equipment troubles didn't stand a chance. Predictive maintenance preempted major breakdowns, curtailing both downtime and hefty repair bills.

    Precision perfected

    The Digital Twin wasn't just a mirror but a magnifying glass. By simulating assets and processes, Methaplanet could dive deep, fine-tuning their operations for optimal outcomes.

    Let's talk

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