Staff augmentation

Unlock the power of on-demand talent

We've got your back when it comes to assembling the dream team. With our Staff Augmentation services, we deliver skilled professionals with impeccable timing, and the perfect skills match. What makes us extraordinary? We've mastered the art of understanding your distinct needs and connecting you with the perfect pros.

We've got the superhero squad you've been dreaming of – flexible, agile, and bursting with expertise. Say goodbye to the never-ending, wallet-draining hiring dance. Need help vanquishing short-term projects, seasonal challenges, or specialized quests? Our league of highly qualified professionals is itching to join your team and save the day!

  • We are talented people with fresh perspectives aiming to

    abstract decoration
  • reduce costs and time in the procurement processes while

    abstract decoration
  • helping your company scale up and adapt to market demands

    abstract decoration
  • 00. Diverse skillsets

    Access to a wide range of skilled tech professionals, allowing you to match the right expertise with your specific project requirements.

  • 01. Top talent selection

    We hire only the best talent through rigorous and careful selection processes, ensuring your projects are in the hands of highly qualified professionals.

  • 02. Express mode hiring

    Rapidly augment your team with qualified professionals, reducing the time-to-hire and enabling quicker project kick-offs.

  • 03. Pay-as-you-go

    A flexible payment model that lets you control costs by paying only for the services and hours you actually use, reducing fixed overhead.

  • 04. Seamless integration

    Integrated seamlessly with your in-house team and existing processes, ensuring a smooth collaboration and productivity boost.

  • 05. Scale up mindset

    Support for rapid scalability, enabling you to easily grow or reduce your team as project requirements evolve, ensuring efficient resource management.

Our expertise

Our profound expertise sets us apart


Leading the charge in innovation and technical mastery, our CTO is the beacon that guides us through the dense fog of the digital realm. From emerging tech to sustainable solutions, he ensures our digital prowess is always a step ahead.


Orchestrating the harmonious blend of creativity, technology, and strategy, our COO ensures the Labs' operations are smoother than a jazz ensemble. They're the unseen force that keeps projects on-track, budgets in-check, and clients ecstatic.

Design team

These are the artists of our digital canvas. Merging aesthetics with functionality, our design team crafts experiences that captivate, engage, and resonate. Every pixel, every animation, every user journey is meticulously designed to mesmerize.

Dev team

Where the rubber meets the road, our dev team turns visionary designs into tangible, functional realities. With a toolkit full of cutting-edge technologies, they architect, code, and deploy solutions that aren't just robust but also future-proof.

Explore our process

Our process is designed to maximize the efficiency, effectiveness, and success of your project, and can be tailored to your specific needs every step of the way.
  • Discovery
    • Assessment
    • Criteria
  • Process
    • Interview
    • Contracts
  • Outcome
    • Onboarding
    • Monitoring

Our case studies

  • 00. Westpac's transformation: A 21st century banking app for NZ businesses & government

    New Zealand

  • 01. Transpower: Energizing New Zealand's tomorrow

    New Zealand

  • 02. GarDsign's Evolution: Pivoting from a PHP Legacy System to Java Microservices
