
    A new brand identity and website design for Troviq Private Markets.

    About the company

    Driven by the objective of delivering unparalleled access to the finest private market opportunities, Troviq embarks on cultivating enduring alliances with wealth managers, family offices, finance boutiques, and esteemed institutions.

    In the complex private markets world, Troviq recognized the need for a branding revolution, a refined creative platform, and an impeccably crafted UX/UI design that would aptly communicate their expertise and unwavering trustworthiness to both their existing and prospective clients.

    The challenge

    Enhance client trust

    Troviq faced the challenge of communicating their expertise and trustworthiness to existing and potential clients in the complex and ever-changing private markets landscape. They required branding and UX/UI design that conveyed transparency and enhances client trust and engagement.

    The approach

    We keep it lean

    We devised a new brand creative platform that combines a refined color palette, clean architectural photography, and visually connected images to establish expertise and trust. This understated yet impactful brand identity conveys transparency through simplicity, making it memorable across all aspects of their work.

    • Discovery
      • Market study
      • Interviews
    • Process
      • Identity creation
      • Website development
    • Outcome
      • Website launch
      • User engagement

    The solution

    New branding and an impactful web redesign

    We crafted a contemporary, professional website with a consistent visual identity and optimized it for desktop and mobile. Its streamlined navigation ensured easy access to information, while interactive elements like a blog enhanced user engagement. Before the launch, rigorous testing was conducted to guarantee a superior user experience in terms of usability and accessibility.

    The results

    Unveiling Troviq’s new digital persona

    Our collaboration with Troviq Private Markets was more than just a redesign—it was a transformation that laid a foundation for greater trust, engagement, and connectivity.

    Enhanced brand perception

    With our redesigned visual identity, Troviq's reputation in the private markets landscape soared. The modern, sophisticated aesthetic positioned them as not just industry leaders, but also as innovators at the forefront of their domain.

    40% Increase in site engagement

    The intuitive UX/UI design we delivered witnessed a 40% surge in user engagement. Visitors now spent more time exploring the offerings, reading blog posts, and connecting with Troviq’s vision and expertise.

    Optimized mobile experience

    Post-redesign, mobile users reported a 35% faster site load time and a smoother browsing experience. This directly translated to a lower bounce rate and increased inquiries through mobile platforms.

    Let's talk

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