
    Transpower: Energizing New Zealand's tomorrow

    About the project

    As the government's entrusted powerhouse, Transpower shoulders the monumental task of constructing and upkeeping the nation's electrical grid. Their commendable feats aren't merely in their crucial responsibilities but lie in accomplishing them with a notably lean software engineering team. Their potency, however, is undiminished.

    By pairing their unparalleled expertise with cutting-edge technologies and unyielding dedication, they've continually powered through. And when they needed an extra jolt of tech prowess? We stepped in. Our strategic staff augmentation not only fortified their existing framework but also introduced fresh perspectives and renewed energy.

    The challenge

    Decoding the grid's puzzle

    Transpower, tethered to the stringent budgets and governmental guidelines, faced a multifaceted obstacle. Envision a crucial process where the sum they're permitted to bill has to be judiciously apportioned among clients based on their grid usage. Previously, this Herculean task was tackled using a jumble of incongruent applications, clocking in at a whopping nine hours of manual labor. And this wasn't a one-time ordeal but an iterative process, essential both for customer advisories and internal evaluations.

    The approach

    The Transformation of Transpower

    Our approach was a strategic combination of innovation and efficiency. We recognized the need for a comprehensive overhaul, with a primary focus on the front-end technology. Our goal was to revolutionize the user experience, making it responsive, and, above all, economically efficient. We envisioned an application where data flows seamlessly in real-time. By harnessing cutting-edge technology and design principles, we aimed to streamline a once labor-intensive, nine-hour manual process into an agile solution.

    stylised and abstract image of technology
    • Discovery
      • Onboarding
      • Identify challenge
    • Process
      • Front-end review
      • UX transformation
    • Outcome
      • System revamp
      • Efficiency gains

    The solution

    Energizing the User Experience

    Although the foundational blocks of the solution had already been set, there was an undeniable spark needed: a futuristic facelift of the front-end technology. Our aim? To electrify users with an interface that's not just sleek and snappy, but also economically efficient. Imagine an application where data is as real-time as lightning – served ‘hot off the grid’.

    stylised and abstract image of technology

    The results

    Unparalleled praise

    The revamped system isn't just functional—it's industry-leading. It's been hailed as a revolutionary leap forward, akin to the debut of sliced bread.

    Regulatory agility

    Yearly regulation changes are inevitable, but now, they're manageable. Our solution ensures Transpower can effortlessly adjust to new requirements.

    Remarkable efficiency

    The intricate process of allocating nearly a billion dollars among clients was slashed drastically—from over nine hours to just 30 minutes. This efficiency hasn't compromised accuracy or regulatory compliance.

    Customer satisfaction

    Real-time data access has streamlined operations, leading to cost savings and enhanced user engagement. This successful transformation demonstrates the power of innovation in the energy sector.

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